April 30, 2020 – Press Release
Though the current global pandemic has forced the cancellation of hundreds of trade and consumer shows – including the spring International Quilt Market originally scheduled for Pittsburgh – many of them have moved to the digital world. Similarly, Quilts, Inc. is announcing its first-ever Virtual Quilt Market: Spring Forward to be held June 2-4.
“All of us are facing significant business challenges right now, whether you are a manufacturer, supplier, brick-and-mortar or online shop, teacher, designer, or even a show producer like us,” says Quilt Market Founder and Director Emeritus Karey Bresenhan. “We all want to keep the industry moving forward and thriving, and that’s why we’re excited about this new event!”
Registrants for Virtual Quilt Market: Spring Forward will have access to the following:
- Educational Webinars of important topics from some of the industry’s best-known presenters—some previously announced for Pittsburgh and some entirely new.
- Schoolhouse Series of product demo videos from exhibitors with a live Q&A component.
- Complete Exhibitor Listings of companies, with information about their business and contact links to inquire about ordering.
- A Product Spotlight section with photos, information, and videos on both new products and continued favorites from our exhibitors.
More details on specific titles, presenters, and prices will be announced soon! Check VirtualQuiltMarket.com for updates and details.
“Though we have never seen a situation as a world and an industry like this in our lifetimes, I do know one thing: quilters continue to quilt no matter what else is going on,” Bresenhan sums up. “We’ve gotten through tough times before, and we will get through this as well.”
Quilts, Inc.
Quilts, Inc.
7660 Woodway Ste. 550
Houston, TX 77063