The Fine Print

by Brian Powers

Order your autographed copy today!

Brian Powers provides a wealth of information and recommendations that you can put to use immediately to get a handle on your business operations. An easy-to-reference guide to navigating the range of operational matters that go into running today’s independent retail shops.

Take advantage of Brian’s easy-to-understand advice on how to:

  • Decipher buy-sell agreements and commercial leases.
  • Choose accounting software and your POS system.
  • Sort out equipment leasing options.
  • Understand credit card processing, fees, and data security.
  • Follow the rules for coupons, gift cards/certificates & loyalty programs.
  • Decide on web development contracts and email marketing services.
  • Ensure that your business and your staff are appropriately insured.
  • Prevent and handle shoplifting and retail fraud.
  • …and so much more!

A licensed attorney since 1977, Brian Powers has been operating HeartSong Quilts in Hot Springs, South Dakota, with his wife, Ann, for the last 12 years. For most of his 40 years of active legal practice, Brian represented insurance companies in lawsuits over policy coverages. He also counseled a variety of small-business owners on a wide range of matters relating to the organization, management, and operation of their businesses Brian is an entrepreneur and has passed the love of business to his children. As a home- school project, the Powers children organized and started an ice cream shop and have successfully operated it for the last eight years. Most recently, Brian’s son Tom trained to build and repair guitars and opened a guitar shop adjacent to the quilt shop. Brian loves to teach and has enjoyed writing the “Fine Print” column for FabShop News magazine.

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