Hollywood Squares…FabShop News’ [Virtual] Launch Party! An inaugural FabShop News virtual Launch Party event for shopowners. Hosted by QT Fabrics!
The Fine Print
by Brian Powers Order your autographed copy today! Brian Powers provides a wealth of information and recommendations that you can put to use immediately to get a handle on your business operations. An easy-to-reference guide to navigating the range of operational matters that go into running today’s independent retail shops. Take advantage of Brian’s easy-to-understand…
Return To Simpler Times BOM
by Jerry Stube Designs Order your BOM Program today! This Block-of-the-Month by Jerry Stube Designs! A Traditional Pieced BOM Program 12-12″ blocks with 13 setting blocks. 85″ x 85″ For beginner to intermediate quilters Includes a second setting with a very simple border Featured in Maywood Studio’s Story Time collection (part of the proceeds go to breast cancer research) Options to…