Google Announces Next Stage in HTTPS Warnings

Google announced October 2017 they are requiring websites to obtain an SSL certificate on HTTP websites or risk your website labeled as “Not Secure” or potentially listed as unsafe or deceptive. Those who updated their website with an SSL now have the green secure lock in the web address bar, reassuring users that the website they are using is safe and secure.

However, those who have not updated their website with an SSL have a circle icon with an ‘i’ next to the web address bar prompting users to find out more information about the website. Once clicked, users are informed that the website is not secure.

The change may seem small for now, but Google announced that beginning July 2018 they are going to push the visual look of this “Not Secure” warning to make it more visually apparent that the site is not safe.

Google has plans to continue moving forward. The next stage is a red “Not Secure” message. This warning will not go unnoticed.

If you haven’t already made the switch to HTTPS, now is the time. If you’re not sure how to start, read 3 ways to get an SSL, and convert to an HTTPS website today.

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