Fabric Shop Network

September is International Sew Your Rows Month!

How many times have you heard a customer talking about their stash of Row by Row kits and patterns?

The good news: all of those kits were purchased from an independent quilt shop!
The bad news: all of those kits could prevent a person from buying more.

Row by Row Experience and FabShop Network are declaring September International Sew Your Rows Month. The summer RxR event ends on Tuesday, September 5 this year and everyone enters the Hibernation Period – also known as The Stitching Challenge Period. Rowers are encouraged to sew those rows! Whether they are competing for a prize in a participating shop or turning their favorites into table runners, wall hangings or other small projects, it’s all good!

Encourage your customers to sew their rows by implementing any of the following ideas:

Throw a Sew Your Rows open sew event on a day that your classroom is not busy. Be sure to take pictures and post on your Facebook and Instagram accounts. Encourage your customers to do the same using the hashtag #isewedarow.
No time for another event? Add it to your current classes and events with a “Row and Tell” feature inviting the members to bring a row and tell the story. (Pics, pics, pics and hashtags!)
Even easier – invite your customers to drop in anytime to Row and Tell. Offer a small discount or a freebie item for simply showing their rows. Create a fun Photo Booth in your shop. We like anything that brings them back into the store!
Run a contest on Facebook/Instagram for anyone tagging your store or posting to your page and using the #isewedarow.
Share your ideas and International SYR Month stories on the FabShop Facebook group. We can all learn from each other.


Feel free to use the International SYR Month logo in your own marketing and have fun with your customers!